Sports Injury Treatments

knee pain

Cut down Your Recovery Time with Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Partners helps athletes of several sports and all levels of (from professional athletes to little leaguers) recover from injuries and optimize their performance. 

Ankles, Knees, Shoulders, Hips, Backs, Necks, Calves, Hamstrings, Wrists; If it can be injured in a sport we have treated it here in the office and have treatment plans that can help reduce your recovery time and get you back on your “A” game.

Stay in the game with preliminary care.

While we are very good at helping athletes recover from their injuries, we are also well equipped to help prevent future issues that can hinder performance and create setbacks. Getting regular chiropractic care and complementary wellness services, such as the Class IV Laser therapy, can help athletes stay loose and prevent potential injuries.

Request An Appointment

Please note, this is for requesting an appointment. The office will contact you shortly to schedule and confirm the actual appointment.